More irrefutable proofs of BTS V and Jennie's relationship discovered in newly leaked "birthday" pictures

Article: "Jennie posted with V's best friend on Instagram"

Source: Pann

The man she posted on IG is model Lee Joo-hyung.

He's infamous for being V's close friend. If you look at past pictures, you can tell it's the same person.

He was also mentioned by the leaker when their dating pictures got leaked last time.

  1. [+252, -5] Did we need to know that she's close friends with V's best friend too? What does she want us to do with this?
  2. [+231, -4] Well...
  3. [+230, -10] That's V's best friend alrightㅇㅈㄹㅋㅋㅋㅋ. But they haven't been seen or mentioned together since 2015. 
  4. [+60, -5] If he's friends with both of them individually then he must be the one that introduced them to each other. Everyone has been saying there's no proof but welp, here it is..
  5. [+54, -19] I see.. V♡Jennie, congrats on your marriage!
  6. [+43, -9] Jennie-ya, if you're close to this level, really you don't even have to tell us that it's true,,,
  7. [+30, -2] He follows Jennie on IG but V doesn't. How can she be best friends with himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. He hasn't been mentioned with V since 2015 so if they're best friends now that must mean they started meeting up recently?
  8. [+21, -4] Just freely broadcast it to the world 요♡♡♡
  9. [+20, -9] Jennie must really love V a lot but can't show it ㅋ
  10. [+20, -4] Looks like they're still dating ㅋㅋㅋ
  11. [+13, -11] V and Lee Joo-hyung went out together in July of this year.
  12. [+11, -15] Did Jennie change men again? Daebak 다 ㅋㅋㅋ


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes.

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