Article: Hyuna, over the limit sexy...perfect little black dress
Source: OSEN
- [+165, -30] There's a limit to trying to be sexy. This is just too much. I'm tired of seeing her ..
- [+83, -9] Kim Boo Sun style?? ㅋ
- [+62, -18] She looks cheap..ㅋㅋ
- [+60, 10] She looks so much better with minimal makeup on. What the heck is this?? It's not sexy~
- [+27, -3] What's wrong with her?
- [+13, -1] Is she a bar girl??
- [+9, -1] This article is grounds for sexual harassment. delete this.
- [+8, -1] Nowadays these young girls think that over exposing themselves and wearing overly sexy clothing is sexy. It's not. You just look like a slut..
- [+6, -1] Why does she keep taking photos like that??
- [+4, -0] She looks dirty~