Goo Hye Sun reveals that she thought Ahn Jae Hyun's divorce request was a joke at first

Article: [Comprehensive] Goo Hye Sun on 'Midnight', "When Ahn Jae Hyun first asked for a divorce I thought it was a joke  .. we haven't kept in contact since the revelations" 

Source: OSEN

Goo Hye sun has revealed her initial reaction when Ahn Jae Hyun asked for a divorce.

On her first on-camera interview with SBS 'Midnight' on the 5th, Goo Hye Sun spoke frankly about her divorce conflicts with Ahn Jae Hyun and why she took the interview saying, "I really have no one to rely on because of my personal history and family situation so I ended up relying on the public. I think I was too childish and feel ashamed. If I caused people to feel tired I'm so sorry about that. I wanted to explain everything so that there's no misunderstanding. At the time, I thought I was doing what was best. When someone is angry they can't see anything properly."

When the interviewer pointed out that most celebrities release statements through their agencies to handle such situations, Goo Hye Sun explained, "The reason why I had to resort to Instagram was because of my agency situation. We were both in the same agency and I was put in a difficult situation because my husband had worked with those people for a long time. No one was on my side. I was in a place where I couldn't put out a release through my agency. It was a private matter and I wanted to reveal it all whichever way I could even if I had to grasp at straws. But even when I left the agency, I didn't leave on bad terms."

When asked what her reaction was when Ahn Jae Hyun first asked for a divorce Goo Hye Sun stated, "At first, I thought it was a joke because we had no conflicts or discord that most couples experience before divorce. There was no fighting. I was calm at first because I thought it must be a joke. I thought there's no need to take a prank like that seriously. When I found out later that It wasn't a joke I was very angry. I thought, "Don't heart-fluttering feelings end after two or three months?" But to throw a person away just because those feelings go away was cruel. I felt a great sense of betrayal because I'd put too much of my emotions into it. I felt so much hatred."

She also talked about why she expressed her feelings on social media saying, "It wasn't important to me that I was a celebrity at the time at that I had a certain job. I was just a person, a woman, someone's woman, so I expressed all the anger that I could." She added with a laugh, "I used all means available even though I knew I was being foolish."

When asked if she tried to save her marriage, she explained, "When I decided to married, I never thought I'd ever get divorced. Even if we fought, we'd resolve the issue and make up. We promised we'd always be on each other's side whether we were sick or going through difficulties. Frankly, everything that happened so far feels like something I dreamt. I feel like I've been living a nightmare for 6 months."

When asked why she stopped posting on Instagram she explained, "It was because Ahn Jae Hyun released those text messages. When he released those texts, I came to the realization that there was no way to salvage this marriage. When I first saw that article, I realized that I wouldn't be able to win. Couples talk about a lot of things in the course of a 2 yr marriage but they had handpicked our fights and edited it together to make it look to the public like I was crazy. I thought, if I were to continue fighting wouldn't I have to fight just as dirty too? I thought It wouldn't be wise to go down that path especially because my parents were worried. All I wanted was a conversation. I didn't want a divorce. Because of that I put up a bit of a struggle but now I think I have to follow his direction since it's what he wants."

When asked whether they kept in touch, she said, "I haven't been in contact with Ahn Jae Hyun since the revelations began. I'm sure we'll see other again at some point. Adding with a laugh, "It could be in court."

When asked about her future plans she stated, "I've gotten everything off my chest. I felt upset over the injustice but now I think I'm not the only one in the world that feels this way. If I don't make a fresh start I'd go backwards again so I'm going to put in a lot of effort so that I can achieve good results. When this program is over I'm going straight to London to study language. It's an intensive course where you study from morning to night so I think it will be best for me to go and to also get some fresh air. In the future, I'm going to do a lot of good work as well."

In the meantime, Goo Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun is currently undergoing divorce in court.

  1. [+12,477, -940] I think she briefly lost her sanity because she felt betrayed but it seems like she's regained it now. I know that feeling too well. But if you lose your composure and get angry like a madman, the other party looks normal even though they're the one that betrayed you. In the end you come out like the crazy one.
  2. [+9,436, -591] Goo Hye Sun was definitely in the wrong with her behavior. It wasn't just a brief relationship, he was her husband of two years who had a change of heart and one-sidedly asked for a divorce so of course she lost her sanity. I can imagine how feelings of betrayal and irresponsibility must've felt like. I wish people wouldn't get married with such a shallow mind. He left you with a bad scar but I hope there will be only good things from now on. 
  3. [+4,234, -239] I hope you're happy in the future.
  4. [+3,929, -106] From what they've said and done so far, if they had dated longer they certainly wouldn't have made it marriage.
  5. [+3,458, -429] I fully understand her as a woman. He probably promised her the whole world when were dating but became a different person once he got some popularity. He's a bit more outgoing than her too so of course he asked to get out first. I'd be jumping with anger too. She probably thought she'd gnash her teeth and enact revenge but the best revenge is living well. Let it go and hit reset~~
  6. [+1,885, -277] I think there needs to be respect when breaking up with someone. Especially if you lived side by side with each other in a marriage for that long.
  7. [+1,991, -359] First of all, Ahn Jae Hyun had zero manners with his method. They're both public figures and the way he did it was just cruel. No wonder she went crazy. I would've threatened to kill him too. And not even keeping contact with her until the end? NO manners whatsoever.
  8. [+1,568, -118] It's obvious she tried calling him two months ago. If that was me I'd be pissed off if he cut off contact like that.
  9. [+387, -9] Just finish off the divorce and live happily going forward. It wasn't meant to be. 
  10. [+310, -117] So she's feigning innocence and putting blame on him until the end ㅋㅋ

Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes.

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