Hollywood actresses reveal they were raped and abused by rock legend Marilyn Manson

**T/W** Article details allegations of drugs, rape, assault, harassment and abuse

ArticleHe also raped Hollywood actresses...the "horrible" side of Marilyn Manson

Source: Joongang Ilbo

Rock legend Marilyn Manson (52) is embroiled in shocking allegations of rape and abuse.

Hollywood actress Evan Rachel Wood (34) and four other women have come forward alleging that they were raped and mentally abused by Manson several times in the past. 

According to foreign media British Guardian and BBC on the 1st, Wood was abused by Manson for several years since she was a teenager, saying it was "horrible." 

Evan revealed on her SNS, "the man that manipulated me, raped and brainwashed me to obey him is Brian Warner known to the world as Marilyn Manson. I wanted to reveal this to the world so that people can know how dangerous he is so that he doesn't ruin many more lives."

The two began dating in 2007 when Wood was 19 and Manson was 39 years old. They announced their engagement in 2010 but eventually announced their breakup that year. Wood has revealed several times during interviews that she was raped and abused but this is the first time she's revealed abuser's name.

In April 2019, Wood confessed to the California Senate Public Safety Committee during the 'Phoenix Act' hearing ', "I was tortured and starved by someone I met in my late teens. He threatened my life with a deadly weapon and monitored my phone calls."

According to BBC, four other women including Ashley Walters (Manson's personal secretary) have also come forward and revealed on their SNS that they were raped, abused, and forced to take drugs by Manson. Most of them complained of PTSD or depression.

As revelations continued, Manson denied allegations stating, "I don't know why they're distorting our past. All the relationships I've had with my partners were under mutual consent."

In the meantime, his label Roman Vista has dropped him after allegations came out. 

Manson made his debut in 1994 as rock band leader and vocalist 'Marilyn Manson'. His stage name was derived from actress Marilyn Monroe and murderer Charles Manson because "he wanted to express the beauty and ugliness of humans in music."

Manson has been in various other controversies in the past including harassments of a woman on set of a drama in 2018 and sexually harassing a security guard in 2001 (fined $4,000). He was also blamed for inciting the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado due to his violent music concept.

According to NYT, Manson once said after he broke up with Wood that "he fantasized about smashing her head with a small hammer everyday."

  1. [+2,696, -100] In Korea he's just another politicianㅋㅋ
  2. [+1,230, -22] Hollywood actress A got raped AND hit by Manson...Gijanim, please fix your title!
  3. [+664, -13] His visuals are like that of a devil ㅋㅋㅋ
  4. [+567, -30] Physiognomy is truly a science..ㅋㅋhis looks are that of a pervert
  5. [+372, -18] How could these women not know that about him? You mean his whole antisocial, human life ignoring attitude back then and now wasn't a clue to them?
  6. [+192, -6] NYT: "Manson once said "I fantasize about smashing her head in with a small hammer everyday..." ???? That's crazy if true*
  7. [+91, -8] People like Lady Gaga and Manson worship satanism...think about it. Why worship people like a cult just because you like their lyrics??? Would anyone normal believe in satan?
  8. [+66, -2] Manson is famous for sprinkling chicken blood and burning bibles at his satanist concerts since his debut in the 90s. Anyone can find out just by searching up a few of his videos on YouTube. She got into a relationship with him knowing that and is shocked he did that?? I think she was ok with it but couldn't handle it later.. 
  9. [+24, -0] Ah...the coolness of U.S to release his personal information right away. Here in Korea sex criminals have rightsㅋㅋ
  10. [+16, -6] If he came to Korea they'll make him the Mayor of Seoul ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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